***Comments? Questions? Feel Free to Post Here***

Finally, I added this page for those with comments or questions about this story, or any other story of mine. You can also ask me questions or comment about anything else. Off-topic is fine.

Warning: if you’re a troll and post anything derogatory, you won’t get a reaction from me; but I WILL leave your comment up for readers to laugh at. πŸ™‚

Note 2/2/13: You are still welcome to post here even though I no longer update BL.


β™₯ β™₯ β™₯

96 Responses to “***Comments? Questions? Feel Free to Post Here***”

  1. First to post? πŸ™‚ I have nothing to say, other than, Hey There!

    • hahahahaha! πŸ˜€ Hi James!! You just put a huge grin on my face! *hugs*!

      • Im glad I did! πŸ˜€ I’m happy that you’re updating Platinum, I’ve been excited to see it progress!

      • πŸ™‚ You sure did. Yep I’m gonna update Platinum. I probably would’ve already done it by now, but I found that Seasons has the vehicle overspawn glitch again, and it’s now making my game lag, and I’m trying to figure out how to fix it. I have Overwatch, but I need to tweak the settings to clean up the vehicles hourly. >.< I'm not very techie… πŸ˜› Anyhow, glad you like Platinum!! πŸ˜€ I have taken a few pictures to start the next chapter… it's a start, lol.


      • I know, I saw. Great update, same for Bloodlust πŸ˜€ That new werewolf dude is really creepy, I cant remember his name but, he screams creep. :S Haha!

        Oh, dont worry neither am I. But maybe it’s not updated enough, like the mod? I dont know xD



      • hey there again, my buddy. πŸ˜€ Thank you! Today I plan to work some more on the next Plat. chapter. I’ve only gotten 7 pictures/text finished.

        He is creepy, but hot nevertheless. Ha! And yup, his name is Nicholas or Nich for short. πŸ˜› I looked up British names on the ‘net, haha.

        Yeah, as for my game lag due to the stupid vehicle glitch, it’s so much better now *knock on wood* I did tons of computer maintenance tasks and figured out how to hourly clean up the vehicles with Overwatch. πŸ™‚

        Hoping the better performance will continue. >.<

        *HUGS TO U* hehe

      • Hey There πŸ˜€ Haha!

        Awesome, also, I like the idea of the alien story. But, I would only say do it, if you think you can handle doing the three stories. If not, maybe a future project? πŸ™‚ It sounds awesome either way, plus your alien guy looks awesomeee too!

        He is hot, very for a sim. Nicholas, oooo! I do like that name, cant believe I forgot it xD

        That’s good, as long as its all sorted!! πŸ˜€ I had that with vehicals being shitty and just appearing, I got the same mod and it does help, at one point though, when I first installed I swear to you, it removed over 100 vehicals o.o That’s how messed up it had become..


      • Ooops! Missed something :blush: I like the look of Lance too, interested to see him come into the story. Mostly because he is hot, and I really like his beard he’s got going on πŸ˜€

      • lol it’s no problem! XD Oh yes, Lance is awesome. I have such a wonderful storyline for him. It’ll be really different too. REALLY different, but I think it’ll still be really interesting. I have so much more to do before I can get to that point.

        I love his beard too. I downloaded that from somewhere but can’t think of where from. I usually find my CC through My Sim Blog, they list the best stuff IMO. πŸ˜€

      • Also, I keep going back and forth on whether or not to do the alien story. I want to soooooooooooooo bad but I have so much real life stuff to do right now. Holidays are always busy, but I’ve been a lot busier aside from shopping. I keep the house a lot cleaner, and try to keep on top of things more, which leaves less time to do my stories.

        Hell, I’ve even thought up some preliminary plot lines for the sci-fi (alien) story. It would be so fun to write! I’m probably going to go with your idea, and write the story sometime in the future when I have more time. Maybe I can get a decent start on it during the Christmas break. Well, hopefully. Also my youngest has been sick, and I really need to get her caught up on her schoolwork. She’s behind quite a bit. :/

        LOL, I’ve also started the interior of the alien spaceship. It looks pretty good, I think. Whenever I have time I’ll post a pic. And oh yes, of course Mr. Alien looks studly. I can’t have it any other way!

        Nothing wrong with calling sims ‘hot’. People get ‘crushes’ on video game characters all the time. I think all the male characters from Final Fantasy are… well no words can escape me atm. πŸ˜› Also, I always thought Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, and Leon from Res. Evil were hotties. :mrgreen: hehe! So anyhow, I never understood why some people think it’s ‘weird’ to think of certain sims as hotties. That’s silly.

        Sorry to go off-topic a bit and yap too much. XD Anyhow, yep his name is Nicholas. πŸ™‚

        Oh I love that Overwatch mod, along with a few of Twallan’s other mods. That guy is amazing and truly deserves all the groupies/fans he gets. Dude must be some sort of genius. O_O But yeah, my game is much better now, thankfully. And so yours once removed 100 or so vehicles?? Wow! I’d average that mine removes about 100 every 12 sim hours. Stupid EA always manages to f*ck something up!

        *huggles* to you my friend. ^_^ ❀

      • He seems awesome, plus he is pretty hot πŸ˜‰ Haha! Ooo! Im excited to see what, I havent thought up what it could be, Im not sure, I really want to know though! Haha! Him, Lucifer and either Rez or Hunter are my favourites, mostly because they are hot xD [Is secretly hoping Lance is gay, but y’know πŸ˜‰ ]

        I do find it a little weird say sims are hot sometimes, but then Im kind of like, meh, if they were real everyone else would be saying the same!! Hahaha!!! So, why not, they have been made to look realistic, so why can’t you say that they are hot? I know, Chris Redfield always looked pretty hot, the guy who plays him in the films is too…so xD

        Yeah, you start it when you feel ready or when you have time, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy. I mean, you update Bloodlust every week, just doing that I am happy πŸ™‚ So, whether you choose to do the alien story soon, in a month or longer, I dont mind, I would do it, it’s a good idea!!

        Hahah! DW!

        Nicholas is a nice name, I have a couple of sims named Nicholas too. πŸ™‚

        Mmmhmmm! Me too, it helps, Im picky though. I dont like cars being at places, if there is noone there, I like everything to be perfect. Bit obsessive sometimes, but meh, I like my sims too look good, my places to look good and it all to work! Haha!

        EA does, well, sometimes they dont, others they do :L


      • Hello there again. πŸ˜€ I would’ve written you back earlier but I was having game issues after downloading a custom (but awesome) world. *sigh* but now it’s fixed. Took me two hrs. to figure it out! >.<

        Anyhow, yes for an alien that dude is hot! πŸ˜› Yep, I've thought up some possible plots for the alien story, and I think it's pretty interesting. It would be so much fun to write. Maybe I'll have to take the time to write at least a little bit to start. Oh Jeez, I hear you about Rez, Lucifer, Hunter, etc. I think Hunter's twin sons are hotties too, haha. Aww, you wanted Lance to be gay? Oh hell, I'd already thought of a plot for him to meet his first girl love. 😦 Eek, I'm sorry about that, James. He would make a very good gay character though. I'll have to make it up to you in another story! Maybe the alien story? It's something to think about. πŸ™‚

        You are so right. If sims were real, people would say they were hot, so why not if they're pixelated? LOL. Hell, I was in Wal Mart a few weeks ago in the toys section, and saw the new 'Ken' dolls (I assume they still call them 'Ken' LOL) and thought they were hot, ahahaha. *shrug* It's not like I'd buy it and try to screw it somehow. πŸ˜† Also, like I said before, people get 'crushes' all the time on video game characters. My oldest daughter always liked Albert Wesker, etc. Even my youngest likes a few game characters. It's normal IMO.

        OMG I totally agree with you about Chris Redfield, and also in the movies…. *swoons like an idiot* haha! Yummy!!

        Aw well thank you! I appreciate that. Yep, I've been trying to stay on top of my BL updates. Platinum I'm only going to start updating every 3 weeks. I'm going to try to squeeze in some time to begin the alien one. I'm just too tempted to start it!

        LOL. Seems like half the time my comments are novels. πŸ˜†

        Oh that's awesome! So cool you also have sims with the same name! πŸ˜€

        lol who isn't obsessive sometimes? I know I get that way, but I'm better now. I know what you mean, I used to be obsessive a lot with Sims 2, and a little bit with S3. I drove myself kinda crazy! O_o Mostly I'm just like you, I like my game to be perfect, basically.

        Yep, sometimes EA screws it up, other times it's the person's computer or something else! *facepalm* Usually it's ME that screws up my own game! lol.

        *hugsssssssssssssssssssss to you again too hehe*

      • Hi!! I forgot about this…oopsy πŸ˜‰

        Really? Shit. Hate it when that happens, sucks! I had something like that, but it was for my favourite family, I was so annoyed. I had done so much with them, luckily in the end they started to work once more πŸ™‚

        He is, for an alien πŸ˜‰ I know right? I like to that every hair Rez has, always suits him, I prefer Hunter with shorter hair, like when we first met him, but he is still up top! Oh, dont be silly, haha! You dont have to make it up to me πŸ˜›

        Haha! I know, people can be silly. Everyone will at one point think an animated character is kind cute or hot, they are made to look real!

        Haha, well, I am excited. Three stories sounds gooood!

        Yeah, if its not perfect, then I aint happy. Haha!!

        Yeah, Ea does. Haha! Same, Im usually the one messing up…

        *hugs…again πŸ˜‰ *

      • Aw, you’ll have that. LOL I’ve been super-busy lately too (aside from making that silly home video on my home page lol). You know how it goes during the holidays. But I’m glad I got my shopping done and all wrapped up.

        Oh God, that used to happen to me all the time on Sims 2. Sims 3 is better, but a couple years or so ago I lost all my saves for no apparent reason, and back then I’d no clue how to get them back, or if there was even a way back then. 😦 But I’m so glad you got your fave family to work again! Oh, I forgot that there was one other time I’d lost all my saves, and had to do some special technique to get them back. thankfully it’d worked, since all my story saves had been lost!

        I can’t stand the thought of losing my story saves. Seriously. The Bloodlust story saves I’ve had for over TWO years…. 😯

        Yes he’s hot. Haven’t officially named him yet. It will have to be a really weird name, of course. LOL. And you’re right, it’s crazy that nearly every single hair I use for Rez works well with him! WTH? I wish I had more sims like that!! I get what you’re saying about Hunter, he does tend to look more handsome with short hair. πŸ˜› True, he’s still right up there with the rest of those pixel hotties! hehe. Aw, well you’re sweet. I felt bad that I haven’t had enough ‘sexual orientation diversity’ in this story. I could make every one of my aliens bisexual in that upcoming story? I was already thinking of doing that anyhow. πŸ˜€

        Oh God don’t get me started on that! There was just a thread posted the other day about a simmer who thought sex poses were gross. πŸ™„ Then some asswipe got on there and called those who create sex content for sims ‘deviants’. Christ. What the hell is wrong with people? It’s no different than finding any other game character attractive! What’s the big deal? And it’s no one’s business what others put in their game, and a lot of folks use sex poses for stories only. That’s IT. I do NOT stick my finger up my twat while taking pics of my sims using sex poses, for shit’s sake; and sorry to be so blunt, but that shit’s been such a pet peeve of mine for months… ever since they started coming out with poses!! *sigh* Not to mention that if these people don’t want to see such things, don’t fucking click on the little link that specifically states: ‘THIS BLOG IS FOR ADULTS ONLY. CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT’ or this: ‘THE FOLLOWING PAGE CONTAINS NUDITY. DO NOT CLICK IF YOU’RE SENSITIVE TO THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL’. And a lot of these same people do it anyway, click those links, then bitch about the ‘nastiness’ of it later! WTF?? *facepalm* Oh, but I better elaborate that some of my readers don’t like that content, but want to read anyhow. It may be a double standard but I understand their viewpoint; everyone is different. One lady was very tactful about the way she expressed her dislike of the full-frontal male nudity pics, and I took it well. So well in fact, that whenever I release the new alien story, I will not use full frontal male nudity. I will try to make it more ‘tasteful’ for those who get uncomfortable with explicit stuff.

        LOL! And sorry to yap, yap, yap. I guess I was making up for lost time, eh? *snicker*

        Shit, seems like I’m always screwing up my game. Royally! πŸ˜†

        *huuuuugs* *glomps* tehe

      • Me too, super duper busy! But, luckily, I always have time for this story πŸ˜‰

        I know, well, you never guess what? Im back on the sims 3 again, I was really tempted to put it back on the other day and finally caved, I’ve been playing it so much lately. Got some new simmies – so who, I might add are pretty damn fine! Hahah!!

        I know, that would be horrible, its like the saves I have for the sims 2 at the moment. They have been going on for months now I believe, if I lost them, God, I would be so annoyed! I have all the families perfect and just how I want them!

        I know, I saw! I dont understand why she was so affected by it or others really, people play different, its part of life. If everyone did the same thing, there would really be no fun in it, and it would be boring. I dont care how other simmers play, as long as they make good stories or CC Im satisfied. Haha! I know right, if they dont like it move on or dont look, its simple. Its not like people sit there, staring at these pictures. A lot of the time they are just there to give more detail, and such. But I see where you are coming from, if you dont like it, get over it and dont look. See, if people say it respectfully, there would be no problem but going all out and saying how foul people can be is just stupid tbh. As long as we get some sexy alien abs, Im happy πŸ˜‰ Hahah!!!

        I dont mind, yap away, I love yapping! πŸ˜€

        πŸ˜† Me too. Im getting better, or at least I think so xD


      • Hey there again, sorry it took me a few days. Trying to catch up now, I’d been using almost all my spare time writing my new alien story… πŸ˜› So you’ve been busy too? Did you get your Christmas shopping done yet? hehe. I can’t believe it’s only 9 more days. This year went sooo fast. Oh, and thank you for always having time for this story! Now I just need more time to update ALL my stories (got too many of them going on now). Ugh! Anyhow, so you’re back on Sims 3? Yay! Got some new fine sims too, eh? πŸ˜› I always <33 fine sims, haha. I guess I'm a 'freak' like that. *snicker*

        I hear you. I remember when I used to play Sims 2. I lost sooo many families when I first started, and the same with Sims 3. My game always messed up! I hated losing saves. It's a shitty feeling, tbh. :/ But yes, I know exactly what you mean!

        Oh God I don't understand it either, or people like that. Why can't they live and let live? πŸ™„ People can be so f*cking judgmental. It gets old. I guess she wasn't really that bad about it, though. I think it just mainly 'shocked' her at first and so she had to make a thread about it (got deleted sometime afterward). It just gets old people judging others over the content in their games. If I want my sims to have huge dicks in my game, then I will. If I want to take pics of my sims with huge dicks in my game, then I will. If I want to publish said pics, I will. You know? πŸ˜† And I have a warning on the home page of this site… and always a warning before any page/chapter containing FFN. And just because I post stuff like that doesn't make me 'weird', 'pervy' or whatever (even though I AM a pervert lol). And I agree with you on that too, that as long as a creator makes good CC or whatever then that's all I care about. Who cares what someone else has in their game? *facepalm* Sometimes I make pics just for the hell of it, and because it's fun to edit them using computer programs. πŸ™‚ It's not like I get off on my sim pics, haha. However I'll admit that some chapters I make with partly the intention of giving the reader 'pleasure' or whatever. Big whoop? That's why erotic books/romance books sell so well for women, and porn sells for men. Right? And if you're gay, of course, they have nice amenities for that as well. πŸ˜› Speaking of which, I've seen some soft-core gay stuff, and WOW… O_O it's awesome πŸ˜‰

        And OOOO sexy alien abs!! Yes, you know it dude!!! πŸ˜€ haha! Look, now you've got me all excited again.

        Well hell, I yapped again. ^_^ Aw, you're fine, James!

        *huggles back again* :mrgreen:

      • Dont worry about it! πŸ™‚ Really? Awesome, cant wait to see it!!

        Yes, shopping is all done πŸ˜€ Really excited for xmas, not long now eh? haha!! Yeah, only a few more days, and boy the year has gone so fast!

        I am back on the sims 3, missed it alot, and I bought Supernatural!! It is pretty awesome, and it has tempted me to make a story, not sure, I will have to see xD Yes, some fine ass sims, Im so happy with them!

        I know, some people need to lay off what others do, but you know, it happens. People judge or are horrible, its annoying aint it?

        Yeah, I know, if warnings are up, people should realise that at least those using the certain content do try to warn those who may not want to see it/

        Haha!! xD Really? Umm. thanks for telling me? πŸ˜‰ Hahah!! xDD

        I know, sexy abs, yum. Abs make me smile πŸ˜‰ Pahah!!

        Thank you πŸ˜€ Haha!!

        *more hugs*

      • Aw, thank you! Yep, 5 chapters done. Now I have to work on more Bloodlust and Platinum. πŸ˜›

        haha, I bet you’re glad you got the shopping done. I used to dread that every year, but I liked shopping this year. πŸ˜€ Yes I’m excited for it too! Just one more week to go! Oh, and don’t forget to update your wishlist… hehe.

        This year passed so quickly it seems like it only lasted 3 months instead of 12… O_O Crazy!

        Oh yay! You got Supernatural! I love that EP too, even after I got Seasons I still think I like Supernatural better. It’s so easy to make good stories using that EP. πŸ™‚ If I were you I’d make a story! Or maybe you should get Seasons and do an alien story too. Didn’t you once do an alien story on Sims 2? Or something? Sorry my memory sucks. haha, fine-ass sims! πŸ˜‰ It’s fun to create sims and try to make them as hot as possible. I do the same thing with my female sims. I guess I’m shallow, LOL. πŸ˜›

        Yeah, like you said it happens. Not much you can do. Yes some people can be very judgmental (not saying I’m perfect lol). I’ve done my fair share of being judgmental in the past. But anyhow, yeah. It is annoying. Although I have decided to cut out the full frontal nudity on my alien story, and maybe the future chapters of Bloodlust. That way I can please some of the readers who don’t like that stuff (because I also understand some are entitled to voice their opinions on nudity, as long as it’s done nicely). πŸ˜€ <<< sorry, I repeated myself there a bit. XD

        meh, I rambled again. What else is new?
        LOL, you're welcome. πŸ˜› You know how much I like to ramble on about random stuff. πŸ˜†

        And yes, sexy abs indeed!! πŸ˜‰ They look good on guys IRL, and on sims too. *snicker*

        haha *MORE hugs*!!

      • Well done πŸ™‚ Awesome, cant wait for the next update!!!

        Yes, I am glad, now I can just chill and wait for christmas to arrive.
        I know right? It went so quickly, its unbelievable! :S

        YES! I DID! πŸ˜€ So happy, it’s so good, mostly anyway. I dont like how the vampires seem to look grey now… :L That might just be me, but they seem to look more grey than before…for the ones I have made since getting it.
        Yeah, it was kind of like an alien story. I dont know whether to get seasons, Im waiting to see first πŸ™‚ And story wise, I aint sure xD I might just do a little one, I dont know xDD

        Dont worry about repearing yourself it all makes sense πŸ™‚

        I know! Its fun though, I enjoy these random mumbling sessions πŸ˜€

        SEXY ABS πŸ˜› I know right? Abs, are always hot…


    • Hey you posted under a strange profile, hahaha. πŸ˜› JK. Your little square thingy’s a different pattern/color.

      Thank you so much! Glad you liked it! πŸ˜€

      I hear ya, me too. At least the shopping and stuff is out of the way. Though I’ve been cleaning the house more and that’s a royal pain… πŸ˜† I hate having two messy cats (I know that’s OT, but you know how I ramble LOL).

      Very unbelievable! O_O

      The vampires look grey? I haven’t really noticed. Now probably when I get into my game with my vampires, they’ll all look too grey. LOL. Sounds like something EA would do, fuck up the way the vamps look. They screw up most everything else. πŸ˜† Haha, I figured it was an alien story! As for Seasons, it was OK. At first my PC didn’t want to run it very well. But now it seems okay. *shrug* A lot of people seem to like Supernatural more than Seasons. I’m one of those people. But I DO like the aliens and some of the sporty content.

      Well if you decide to do a story, good luck! I know it’ll turn out awesome! πŸ˜€

      Aw, thanks. Yeah I kinda have a habit of that sometimes. *facepalm* lol

      haha, me too. Even though this time I didn’t ramble on as much! *SHOCK*

      Yes they are hot! Me likey sexy abs… πŸ˜›

      *huggles* to you again! πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

      • Oh, its because my computer messed up a little and removed all my login details, so I had to write them again and it gave me a new colour 😦 Oh well! Its blue and I like blue xDD

        I know, at least its all out of the way, I mean its christmas day next week! O.o

        Yeah, some of mine, look really grey D: It was annoying, but oh, well. :L I guess… xD Yeah, they do screw up a lot πŸ˜†

        Yeah, thats why I am dont really want to buy it, as I have bought games before and not liked them, so I might wait and see how i feel before getting it πŸ™‚

        Haha! I hope it goes well xD

        I liked the newest chapter and am about to check out the Alien story, so excited πŸ˜€ I am sad to see this go, but I am happy you will be still making stories πŸ™‚ It would not be the same if you didnt!!


      • I just saw the gift you sent me!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!

        Thankies πŸ˜‰ You didnt have to! Thankies anyway πŸ˜€ *huggles*

      • Hey!! You’re welcome for the gift. πŸ˜€ MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

        I’ll be back to reply a longer/better reply as soon as I get time! πŸ˜€

        *huggles* ❀ πŸ˜€

      • Dont worry about it, sorry for my lacking in replies xD I have been busy πŸ˜€

      • Jen! It’s me James, which should be obvious by the username being playermttjms.. xD

        I made an account, it’s given me somewhere to post stories..depsite that I post them else where too, I have here now.. xD

      • hey there dude! yep I see that! hehe. So you mean you have started a new story or two? I’m a little dense today, LOL. My adhd meds ran out (except for one) and they won’t let me have more until the 5th (CVS sucks shit, bitches work there lol). So yeah, I may be a little dull in the brain for a few days, haha. Anyhow, so if you have any new stories, I’ll post links to them from here. Just let me know, or link me to them! πŸ˜€ ❀

      • I have one at the moment – via sims 2 – I am hoping to do another…maybe on the sims 3. Then I have tumblr, where I do an uberhood update, or at least I have been doing πŸ™‚

        That sucks! Its stupid they wont give you them until then.

        Oh…uhh..maybe xD I feel embarrased giving links, mostly because Im afraid the story is bad.. xDD http://strangelydifferent.wordpress.com/

        Its only got the Prologue at the moment, but I will be putting the other chapter up in a little while, by the time you see this it should be up!

      • Hey there, sorry it took me so long to reply. I’d no idea it’d been so long! >.< Firstly, I did get that link up to your new story. I hope it helps. πŸ™‚ If not, try not to get discouraged, ok? A lot of times peeps don't click on my links. After a while I'll move the link down to my 'excellent blogs' section as well.

        Either way, your story sounds interesting! Yes, you should also try Sims 3, that would be cool as well. What's an uberhood update? LOL sorry I'm dense tonight! πŸ˜†

        Yes it sucked. Wasn't too bad though, I suppose. I'm back on them now, raised the dosage to 40 mgs. The worst thing about the whole thing was that my back was killing me for about 2 weeks, and the pain peaked for almost one week. Painkillers/muscle relaxers/heating pad/Icy Hot cream all helped. LOL!

        Aw, your story isn't bad! Don't be afraid to give links. If anyone ever gives a bad comment, it's only because they're a troll. However, if it's truly CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, then that's usually okay. And no one's writing is perfect, always remember that. I used to write books and they need to be burned, they were so horrible. πŸ˜† And my first story wasn't the greatest writing either. No one is perfect, no story is perfect.

        Just do it for yourself, if you enjoy it. And never listen to haters! πŸ˜‰

        Haha yes I saw you had written some more on the story, since it'd been a while. To tell you the truth, I almost missed this comment, I really had to comb through all of them to find this!

      • Hey, oh dont worry about it πŸ˜› You’ve been busy, and had so many more comments to reply to, so I understand!

        Oh, dont worry about putting it up, you dont have to xD But thanks anyway, Im not too worried about views, I’m just enjoying playing it out more πŸ™‚

        I want to try a Sims 3 one, but I dont really know what to do it about, I recently bought Pets and Seasons ❀ They are so good, I love them πŸ˜€ I might see if I can do one…maybe πŸ˜›

        A Uberhood is for the Sims 2, it's some of the premade hoods in one, so I have an Uberhood where Pleasantview is the main hood, and Stangetown + Veronaville have been added in as shopping districts. Means you can have sims from both meet each other and such, really, I had just always wanted one, so I downloaded it xD

        At least everything is better now! But that does sound like it sucked, big time!!

        Normally, its not my writing I fear, its the story line or the pictures. I hate hate hate, having blurry pictures, but sometimes I cant stop it :L Sometimes, I do fear my writing, then other times I dont. I have been writing stories for a little while, but mostly did roleplaying before it, which has helped me a lot actually. or at least I think xD Yeah, I know, mostly it can be constructive critisim, but sometimes people are just rude :L Which is what I fear :S

        Yeah, thats true, I shouldnt really listen to them xD

        Dont worry about missing it, I mean, you have so many comments, no wonder you almost did!!! πŸ™‚

      • Hey James. LOL… *facepalm* at my chronic lateness in replying. Seriously, I’m sorry. I suck. >.<

        Well thank you for understanding. I do appreciate it. I think it was around this time of your reply (Jan 8) that I started writing the last chapters of BL, and just finished yesterday. Now I'm relieved and can move on to other things and other stories.

        Oh! It's no problem to put up that link! I enjoy trying to help out my friends and readers, whenever I can that is. It only takes a few seconds to link to your story, at least it's easy to do! πŸ˜› And you're welcome! I hear you about the views. It's just better to relax and enjoy what you're writing. I've had too many moments when I worried about views, and it's so dumb and trivial, really.

        Pets and Seasons? Cool. I loved Pets, and Seasons is okay; I think my favorite thing about Seasons is the aliens! πŸ˜€ I've had it snow a few times in my game too, and that was cool. Personally I really enjoyed writing those first chapters of my alien story. It's so different and I think that's partly why I loved it so much. I think I'm finally getting burned out on the vampire genre!

        Wow that sounds amazing about the Uberhood. I always wished Sims 3 had sub hoods like that. That reminds me… are you gonna get the University EP? It sounds awesome.

        Yes it's better thankfully, though I still feel pinches/twinges sometimes. Ugh. :/

        In a way, I know what you mean. I used to have certain textures on sims 3 blur for me when I did my first S3 story… and I hated that shit so bad. Tried to fiddle with the settings and nothing worked. Now it's better but sometimes my pictures still bug me, like if the trees look funny (likely because I keep forgetting to tweak the settings). Then I remember on Sims 2 it was worse. Finally had to get a new graphics card for that PC (one I had several yrs. ago) and the first card wasn't suitable, it made the whole PC shut down! LOL. So I had to downgrade to another one, but it was one that was better than the GC I had before. It was an older computer and the GC was dying. D:

        Sorry to ramble. Anyhow, again I know what you mean. I always fear my own writing, and always wondering what I'm probably doing wrong with the story. As for criticism, I think most people are really nice about it, so that's a good thing. I don't think anyone would be rude about it unless they were just trolling, so in that case they can always be banned from commenting anymore.

        Definitely not. πŸ˜‰

        Aww, well thank you James. I do hate it whenever I find out later that I've missed comments. I try to keep up with them. πŸ™‚


  2. hey! i really love your stories, the plots are so addictive, and i always come back every friday for the next chapter! (i’ve been reading since you’ve had chapter 3 up)
    having a story revolving around aliens would be SO awesome, you have no idea πŸ˜€ i love all different supernatural/monster type stories, and added together with sims 3, it would be even better!
    can’t wait for the next chapter!

    • Hey Raechelgr, thank you so much for the kind words! πŸ˜€ Really? You’ve been reading this story that long?? Wow that’s awesome. I’m happy you didn’t get tired of it (at least not yet)! I guess I’ll never get tired of writing it, lol.

      Yes I was thinking about doing an alien one. If I do, I’d like to use this skin here: http://sclub.mktm.co.uk/2012/10/ts3-skin-n2/, even if it’s not technically for ‘aliens’. I just like the looks of it. Glad you’re excited about my potential alien story. ^_^ On the other hand, I have enough stories to keep up with… so can’t make any promises!

      Thank you Luna! If your wondering about BL’s next chapter, it’ll be up as normal this upcoming Thurs/Friday. πŸ™‚ ❀


    • Hey there Alyssa. How have you been? πŸ˜€ And yup, I finally made a page for just whatever comments anyone wants to make. ^^

      Hope you’re doing well! I can’t believe Christmas is only less than a month away now. O_O hehe. It’s exciting.

      My youngest got sick yesterday (throwing up) poor thing. I had to take her to the ER. They said she had a bladder infection. I never knew someone could get nausea from that. But oh well. At least today she feels better, thank goodness. Sheesh, the last few weeks have been crazy around here. We got the doors fixed (they were leaking whenever it rained), got a new front door, and put in new carpet in the living room and on the stairs, got new furniture, new TVs (one is 65-inch! Yay).. now our house interior looks brand new (not bragging, I’m just really excited about it. LOL I’d say it’ll take us 2 years to pay off our credit card! But it really wasn’t a bad deal for everything. We got ALL of that for around $6500 believe it or not). Today I plan to put up the Christmas tree too. Then all I’ll have to do is wrap the presents! LOL. This year’s holiday has been the best ever, but very hectic.

      Have you been getting ready for Christmas yet? Did you get any good deals on black Friday? πŸ˜€

      And of course, sorry for yapping. LOL. πŸ˜†

      • i’ve been good! just had a run in with fleas again x.x nasty little fuckers lol but i defleaed my house and my pets the best i could and i’m hoping they won’t come back, if they do i’ll do it again lol. Christmas is right around the corner now! i’m so so so sorry i took so long to reply i got lazy and didn’t feel like writing anything to anyone for awhile lol, i didn’t know people could get nausea from that either o.O i get them all the time. I hope she’s feeling a lot better now, my daughter threw up abut 3 times lastnight, i think it was because she had a tad too much sugar. That’s a good deal considering all you got! i don’t have credit cards lol, i hope the christmas tree looks pretty! i have to still do my christmas shopping but that’s because i have to wait until we get money to do it lol. i didn’t go black friday shopping didn’t have any moooney lol plus i didn’t think Canada did it until i saw a sign and i was like O.O FOR REAL! lol, we need to buy ornaments for our christmas tree before we can put it up. again sorry i took so long! and i don’t mind your yapping haha

      • Hello Alyssa! Great to ‘see’ you on here again. πŸ˜€ hahaha, ‘nasty little effers’ πŸ˜† I hate fleas. I figured I’d get them living down here in TX (warm climate) but no, we just get freakin’ mini scorpions… part of the reason why we got our leaky doors fixed. Whoever built our house did not do it right. :/ << kinda sounds like EA, always screwing up something. XD I sure hope your pest issue doesn't return. I had those really bad once when I lived up in OH. Not sure if it was because of our two cats or what… and I always kept that house immaculately clean and still got fleas really bad, along with fruit flies at one time. UGH I hate bugs!!! I know, about Christmas, it's hard to believe it's almost here already. How the hell did a whole year pass by so quick??

        AW! That's ok, no worries. I know about half the time it takes me forever to reply too. πŸ˜› Plus it's just so busy around this time of year. I'll be glad when holiday vacation starts in a few days. I will get a nice break from home-schooling my youngest, and my middle daughter will be on vacation from public school.

        Oh yes she's feeling lots better; she got better as soon as the Dr. gave her anti-nausea meds. She's been fine ever since. I guess it was a brief flu (edit: I keep forgetting that the DR said she had a bladder infection. IMO I think that was only part of the problem). Anyhow I'm really sorry your little one got sick too. 😦 I hate it when little kids get sick like that. I hated it when my 11-yr-old kept throwing up. It was awful.

        Yeah it was a great deal, actually. They seemed to have done a good job on everything. I made a video on the home page of the house, showing the new carpet and stuff. Mainly goofing off more than anything. πŸ˜† Yeah, our tree looks nice, but found out just 2 days after putting it up that a few of the lights had gone out. the stupid thing was brand new, just out of the box too. *rolls eyes* LOL I never had any credit cards either, until I moved down here.

        I hope you get your Christmas shopping money soon. Aw, you missed out on some good deals on Black Friday? I'm sorry! 😦 haha, I wouldn't have known that either, that Canada had deals like that! That's a little surprising! Well I hope you got your tree up by now and decorated and all that good stuff. No problem about taking a while. LOL I do it too, like I said.

        πŸ˜€ <333 Merry Christmas!!

      • Omg! i feel like such an a-hole! it’s been forever since i’ve responded i’m so so so so soooo sorry! hi! and scorpions really? i think fleas are less…scary, they haven’t come back thankfully! in case you were wondering. Fruit flies suck, once you get them they are hard as hell to get rid of and they just pop out of nowhere! I did get our tree up and decorated by the way, it was a very good Christmas. I hate when lights are already out when you buy lights, one Christmas my sister thought they were candy and tried to eat them! mouth full of glass and bulb bits with blood, it was horrible. Oh and i agree about the EA thing hahaahaha, that’s part of the reason why some people hated the ending for ME3, EA rushed bioware so you know, rushed shit ends up half done. My little girl is doing good also by the way. I feel so bad replying to this so late! i didn’t realize how long it had actually been and i was thinking that i missed talking to you and i was like “i should email her or something…wait, did i ever respond to that message!? FRICK!”

      • Aww it’s okay, Alyssa! No worries. πŸ˜€ haha, you’re not an ahole at all. It takes me forever to get around to replying anymore, anyway. No need to be sorry! It’s all good! *HUGS*

        Eh, don’t remind me of fruit flies. I hate those m*therf*ckers, lol. πŸ˜† Hell yes, we get little itty scorpions, thankfully they’re not the big kind. Yes fleas are less scary, but almost as annoying! Anyhow, I’m glad you had a great Christmas. We did too. Hard to believe it’s now almost the 4th of July. Crazy how time flies. OMG that sounds horrible about your sister, when she tried to eat the Christmas lights! Poor thing… not a good thing at all.

        Stupid EA. Now they’re coming out with S4, and not even bothering to fix whatever shit’s wrong with Sims 3. So annoying. Yes, rushed shit always ends up half-assed. :/ And that’s great that your little girl is doing good! Nah, don’t feel bad about anything. It’s fine. Like I said, anymore it takes me forever to reply to comments. Sometimes a whole month or two, and then I feel guilty about it as well.

        It’s okay, I know you’re a busy mom. I remember how it was when my kids were really little! Trust me, I know how it is. πŸ˜‰ hehe.


    • holy crap! it’s been forever!!! i’m a horrible person for never posting a message lol i thought about emailing you a few times to say hi and stuff but i lost your email x.x i was rereading the story and was like man i miss talking to her! i should leave a message it’s been awhile since we’ve talked and then i saw the date and went oh wow holy it really HAS been a long time haha

  4. Thanks for another wonderful chapter! These past few updates have really had me hanging in suspense all week long, but I like it:) Nicholas just seems to get more and more evil every update, but my oh myyy he is a gorgeous sim! Can’t wait to see what happens next.

    • Hi! πŸ™‚ Well thank you for reading, and thank you so much for the sweet words. Really? I was hoping the last few chapters were good. I have no idea since I’m the one writing them, lol. All I see are the story flaws, which gets very unnerving. So it’s nice to have some feedback on that, and even better that it’s positive.

      hehe, I agree. Nicholas is a hottie. So is Lance (Lauren’s and V’s son) and I can’t wait to start his storyline… especially because it’s going to be so different. πŸ˜€

      Thank you again! Huggles to you! <33

  5. I really hope that Azura does not come out of her state that she is in, it looks like she will be safer that way.

    • lol good point. At least she’s in a ‘comfortable’ zone, eh? Poor girl. 😦 Hopefully at some point she’ll make an escape. But I doubt it. Then again, who knows? LOL are you confused yet? πŸ˜† I’m trying not to give away any subtle spoilers.

  6. Ok, this is my first comment on your page. I LOVE your stories! I don’t know which I like more, Platinum or Bloodlust. I’m a vampire groupie, so maybe Bloodlust is my favorite. I will be honest with you though about something. I was disappointed that male frontal nudity was added, but it won’t stop me from reading the story, I just read & try to ignore the picture. I wouldn’t read that section at all, but I’m afraid I’ll miss something. I’ve seen some writers make a PG version, but you’re so busy I’d never ask for that. Regardless of the nudity, I thoroughly enjoy your stories. You are a very talented & creative writer. I may start my own story soon. If I do & I figure out how to link, I’ll put a link to your stories on my site. I’m glad you’re doing better with your ADHD. Just normal day to day life can be challenging with any physical, mental or emotional disability. Though I don’t know that ADHD is considered a disability…is it? Anyway, sorry for the looooong comment. I have a tendency to get wordy, especially when I’m tired. God bless & take care πŸ™‚

    • Hello kokobo63 πŸ˜€ Aww, thank you for the sweet words. I always love hearing great feedback from readers. ^_^ Yes, it seems like people are really starting to like Platinum… it’s too bad that I went 2 months without updating. I think I’m on a good schedule now. I’ll probably release a chapter every 2 to 3 weeks. I know it’s not often, but I’ve been so much busier lately.

      Haha @ the ‘vampire groupie’. I know what you mean. I love, love love writing about vampires, and I love older vampire movies. Twilight seems okay, but not quite violent enough. LOL.

      That’s okay that you were disappointed about the FFMN. Not everyone likes to see the whole ‘package’ thing. I totally understand. I used to be the same way, and I still hate ‘tighty whities’ on guys in movies, etc. πŸ˜† so I know where you’re coming from. Anyhow, that’s why I try not to show FFMN very often, and whenever I do, I always write a warning. I wish there was a way to censor it somehow for those who don’t like those parts. I almost forgot to add that I posted a poll for readers to vote on FFMN, and more people voted for me to go the more ‘graphic’ route. If I were you, lol I’d take my hand and cover the picture. πŸ˜› I’ve actually done that before if I want to read an article, and for some strange reason there’s a pic of boobs or a butt on the screen (like an ad for breast implants or whatever).

      Wow, I really do appreciate all the wonderful compliments about my stories. *hugs* Well I wish you all the luck whenever/if you start your own story! I’m sure it’ll turn out well. Oh, and thank you for wishing me well with the ADHD! I feel like the new medication has practically cured me. O_O If I’d only known that was always my problem all along… all the way back to when I was a little kid. I usually had amazing teachers who took the time to teach me if I had trouble with something (usually math). Back then they didn’t know about ADD or ADHD. I’d never heard of it until the 1990’s.

      I think it IS a disability, actually. Maybe a learning disability. I was once diagnosed with a ‘mild’ learning disability when I was 14, but the Dr. didn’t mention anything about ADHD. It’s also genetic, my autistic daughter was diagnosed with ADHD as well as the autism when she was 4.

      Don’t be sorry for the long comment! Heck, I do the very same thing! Also I wanted to let you know that I really admire you for the way you brought up the FFMN subject, and you were very tactful about it. You never came across as judgmental or anything, and I really appreciate that. I know that I go overboard on the sex, cursing and nudity in my stories, so I understand that it makes some people uncomfortable.

      Thank you again, you take care and God bless you as well. xoxoxo ❀

  7. Hiya! Love your stories! Um I have a question where did you get your skins and is there anywhere to download your sims?

  8. I have a question for you. I read your comment with the links to your custom skins. I’m tempted, but I’m always afraid it’ll completely mess up my game. I have enough glitches as it is. I also worry about what happens to the custom stuff or mods when a patch or new game comes out. Doesn’t the creator have to update it before you can use it? Also, on the custom skins, what ea skin does it replace, or is it random? Even though the custom skins are beautiful, I would still use ea skins & would hate to have my favorites replaced (black, purple, the 3 normals). Honestly, how many times do you have problems with your game because of the cc’s or mods? Is it only when there is a patch or new game, or do you also have glitches, crashes, etc at other times? I really, really, really want to have cc’s (other then the cc patterns I let myself use), but I’m nervous, can you tell…lol?

    • I know how you feel. I used to be afraid to d/l skins, etc. My skins don’t mess up my game though. Maybe the only time is when I d/l one and it didn’t show up. A few other times I did something stupid and somehow deleted a skin, and my sim turned all black and shiny. lol. So I just downloaded the same skin again and it was all good.

      I usually don’t download what they call ‘default’ skins. I believe it turns ALL sims in your n-hood with the same skin. Some people prefer that, but I don’t. However, I do have a baby skin that’s default. I THINK it’s made by Subaxi. And I’d forgotten to list it. I think I have it on my credits page, along with a link. Anyhow, no, so far no creator has had to update a skin whenever there’s a new patch/EP.

      As long as you don’t get ‘default replacement skins’ I think the skin will only change whatever sim you WANT it to change, whenever you take your sim to CAS to edit them. So as I say, I’m pretty sure you just need to stay away from anything that mentions ‘DEFAULT REPLACEMENT’. Usually creators make both the default, and regular skin. The ‘regular skin’ is the one you want, I think. You may have to read more up on that, just to make sure.

      I don’t have much trouble with my CC, but with the mods I have to update very single time there’s a patch or new EP. If not, it sometimes crashes my game. You have to read the mod creator’s site for updates on a regular basis, or at least whenever there’s a new patch or EP. You must update your mods BEFORE installing a patch or new EP. So yes, the only time I have trouble with mods is when there’s a new patch/EP. Again, I don’t remember having problems with CC… except for a custom world that I’d downloaded a couple days ago. There must’ve been something in it that conflicted with my EA files. So I had to delete it, along with all cache files, and then re-started the PC. Now it’s OK.

      Just be careful with whatever you download. If you get mods, install them one by one, don’t install a bunch of stuff all at once or you’ll be risking issues. Do it slowly, and over time.

      Here’s a link to instructions: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Downloading_for_Downright_Dunderheads

      (pay no attention to MTS’s ‘dunderheads’ insult, btw. LOL). I really hope this helps. I’m actually not a techie, nor a very good teacher with tech stuff. LOL!

      Good luck!!

  9. Another comment from me…I’m such a pest…lol. I just wanted to say, I love the latest chapter. Reznik…oops. Vaclav’s gonna be po’d. I hope Reznik can fix it before Vaclav find out, or there’s no telling what’ll happen. I love Vaclav, but he does have a temper on him & he’s very territorial when it comes to his mate. I can hardly wait til the next chapter comes out. Come on Thursday, get here already πŸ˜‰

    • Awww! You’re fine! I’m just busy atm replying to a few shorter comments, and trying to figure out why WordPress is glitching on my Firefox browser… also it’s morning and I got stuff to do. But I’ll be back later to reply properly to your (and anyone else’s) comments!

      TGIF, btw. πŸ˜€

      • OK, I’m back now. πŸ˜› Thank you! I’m happy you enjoyed the latest chapter! Oh hell yeah, Rez made a huuuuge oopsie! πŸ˜† Like the last 17- 18 years had been erased from Lauren’s mind and she thinks she’s still in love with Reznik, not V. True, there’s no telling what the future holds for them. D: It could be good, or it could be bad. Very bad. LOL, you noticed that about Vaclav? How possessive he can be? Well anyways, time will tell what shall happen. Aw, well thank you! Maybe Thurs/Fri. will come fast! πŸ˜€ <333

        edit: I think I forgot to tell you that I’m going to cut out the full male nudity after chapter 140. I’ll warn you though that chapter 140 is really explicit… and shows a lot. But like I said, after that it won’t be so bad. Also I won’t use the full nudity on my new alien story. πŸ™‚

  10. http://alexssims.tumblr.com/post/37662341654/just-a-dash-of-sarcasm-crazymary36jonyhi#notes

    Have you seen this yet? Omfg forget about the chick who thinks sex poses ruined the sims, this person’s way worse D: WTF IS WRONG WITH THEM

    • haha, bewaresims I’m starting to catch up on the comments I’ve missed. Been a busy week (actually been a busy MONTH, except for a tiny bit of free time).

      Okaaay, something tells me that link is going to go to a VERY interesting page (that will piss me off). I will tell you my opinion ASAP. As for right now, I want to reply to your other comment. ❀

      edit: holy shit, you’re right. That person was just… wow. He or she apparently has a screw lose. 😯 I’ve also seen similar threads talking about gay sims… pisses me the fuck off. Oh, and also threads about fat sims, and how people want them completely OUT of their games. All they want are thin sims. SMH. It’s one thing to feel this way about your own game, quite another to start an ENTIRE thread talking all about it! Dumb fucks, lol.

      And no. I’ve no clue what’s wrong with people. I blame their parents for raising morons. πŸ™„

  11. I’m getting so excited about your new story coming out. Aliens…yay! I wish there could be alien vampires. That would be the best of both worlds. I do have a question, though. How did you create your aliens, since ea didn’t add aliens to cas, except in appearance only. I must say, ea, that was very disappointing. I can pre-create any supernatural except imaginary friends, the robot thingies, mummies & aliens. Aliens is the one I was really looking forward to in cas. Soooo, how did you do it?

    • Aww, Kokobo, thank you so much. I’m excited that you’re excited, LOL! I hope I don’t disappoint anyone once the alien story is made ‘public’. D: I’m trying to make it good. Sometimes I get so excited about making a new story though, that I rush to get to the good parts and make mistakes/plot holes. That’s partly why I’m waiting to post a link to it, I want to make sure I’ve edited it enough… >.<

      Actually there kinda can be alien vampires. When I made my aliens, I gave most of them the fangs accessory in CAS. If you download Twallan's Hybrid mod, you can also have more than one supernatural state. πŸ˜€

      I'm a little sleepy atm, so forgive me if I'm not clear on explaining how I made my alien. And as for EA not letting you create them in CAS, as always that was a stupid move on their part. But what else is new?

      Okay, let's take this step by step. I downloaded a custom skin for my alien sims, so they would not be green (LOL). Then I used some make up that came with supernatural (zombie blush or something). I can't really remember if I used a mod to get him to be an actual alien or what… I tried to make a true alien just yesterday on my game, forgot how to do it, but then clicked on the mailbox, then chose NRaas, DebugEnabler, then 'Debug: force alien abduction' or something like that. I'm sorry I don't exactly remember. I think you can also use the same mod to get an alien to visit your lot. But anyhow, somehow I forced an alien on my lot, then used cheats to 'add to family', then saved him to the bin (a copy). Then I made my 'fake' alien, saved him in CAS. Fetched the 'real' alien, and edited him in CAS, replaced him with the 'fake' alien, but he still had all the alien powers. Mostly I use Twallan's mods to do this stuff.

      ^^ Good God, was that confusing enough for you?? Again I'm sorry, my explaining sucks.

      If you have any questions just ask away. Maybe the next time I'll do better on explaining… *facepalm*

      edit: If nothing else, I looked up DebugEnabler and this option was listed under the newest version:

      Set Alien DNA Percentage

      Sets the factor that defines whether a sim is considered an Alien by the game
      Range : 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive)
      Available via the Sim menu


      Also, my ‘alien’ skin came from here: http://sclub.mktm.co.uk/2012/10/ts3-skin-n2/

  12. hey! πŸ™‚
    i just wanted to ask, what day of the week will you usually be posting the new chapters for the alien story firestar? it’s really awesome so far, keep up the good (or should i say excellent?) work! πŸ™‚

    • hi Raechel, I’m sorry it took me 2 days to reply. I’ve been posting inconsistently on Firestar but only because I’m trying to finish up all chapters on Bloodlust. Then I’ll feel ready to continue my other stories. πŸ™‚ Not sure which day of the week, specifically I’ll update. I usually seem to have good luck with Fridays, though. πŸ™‚

      Aww! Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments! So sweet!! 😳 β™₯

  13. Thanks for posting Lucifer!! I will probably get him tomorrow. So don’t take him down yet πŸ™‚

    You rock! *huggles*

    • aw you’re welcome Jax! πŸ˜€ Don’t worry, I’ll leave that link up for a while.

      Well you’re sweet & awesome, Jax!! *huggles* to you! β™₯

  14. im one of your new followers, and im wondering how you get those cool beheading pics from one of the beginning chapters. (im kinda a violent writer like u) anyway, how did you get (i think it was vaclav) to hold another sim’s head without the body? i check this blog every day πŸ™‚

    • Hey there, sorry it took me a couple days to get back with you. Actually all I do is edit the picture in a paint program or whatnot, like GIMP. LOL @ being a violent writer. πŸ˜› Anyhow, yeah I just edit the picture. There’s no way, as far as I know, to actually do anything like that in-game. Takes practice to edit pics but eventually you get the hang of it. πŸ™‚ And thank you very much for following Bloodlust! ^_^ β™₯

  15. *Warning: Large post ahead!*

    Omg, I just spent the last 3 days & 2 nights finishing Bloodlust!
    From what I could gather, Blood lust has 2 more chapters to go? :O
    I found this blog & story just about not too long when you first started it. At first, I read like 5 chapters, and gave up (sorry!) I couldn’t really handle Aubrey’s slitting & the giving up of her baby. It was too sad :c.

    And then, just 3 days ago, I managed to stumble upon your story, once again! And you should have seen my reaction – I was shocked at the amount of chapters! 145?! But since I didn’t have school till my second semester started, I decided to read all 145 chapters, from the beginning.

    Now, I’m REALLY glad I caught up! I loved all the characters (except the enemies like Shawn, Brent, Gavin, etc.) I kinda did like Jakub though, haha. (Hey! He was pretty cute! :d )

    At times, I wanted to scream and insult like Aubrey for being such a slurt! (lol yay for my bad attempt at offensive language). Then there were times I wanted to slap Vaclav for being such a prick in the ass. And then I wanted to slap Reznik for not saving Azure. Etc etc.

    Omfg, this story is so complicated, and all the relationships too, haha. I barely kept up with all the relationships with each person, and they just got complicated lol. Like Aubrey being fwb with Hunter, then Hunter became Kat’s husband after a long time, thus causing Kat to become Ashton’s step-mother? LOL. Just complicated and weird, but nonetheless, good!

    Sorry, angry fangirl raging over her death :c.
    Will she be revived later in the next 2 chapters? (C’mon, I wished that would happen. I want her and Vaclav to get back together, so Reznik and Lauren can be back together. I want a happy family :<. Oh, and I want Lucifer to have a biological mom again! Geez, I'm a sucker for wanting happy endings. Oh, did I ever tell you I love the name Lucifer? No? Well, now you do! <3. )

    Omg, I'm just pointlessly ranting on now, haha. Sorry for the hugeeeeeee comment! Keep on writing girl! (:
    I also checked out your Dancer story, and I caught up with Misconduct. I think I'll check out Lance's story as well, soon! Keep up the amazing writing!

    *Sorry if anything doesn't make sense, I typed this up really last. And sorry for posting a huge comment lol.*

    — Angie

    • Omg, it’s 2 Am here, and I just read Chap 146! Omg, I was in shock when I finished reading it!
      I’m kinda glad what Vaclav did to her… haha. I never really liked her. She kept jumping from man to man, y’know? (Trying to keep it spoiler-free, but failing miserably xD)

      But man, I felt oddly satisfied after that chapter! I’m a cruel person, lmao. So was that why she got a phone call? Hmmm. But on a side note, I’m so happy for Lucifer now! :). I felt like he deserves all that happiness now! πŸ˜€

      I’m really excited for the last chappie now!
      — Angie

      • gah, I had a long comment written up, then my internet decided to do a brain fart. That’s always nice.

        Basically all I said was this: I don’t blame you for your satisfaction over Lauren’s death. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same way. Lauren slept around (like you said), she repeatedly hid Aubrey’s picture, and just generally drove Vaclav nuts over the last 8 weeks.
        No worries about any spoilers. I do the same thing when I comment because I just don’t think much about it. I just assume (wrongly no doubt) that people won’t read much of the comments.

        Nah, you’re not cruel. Like I said, in a way she had it coming… doesn’t make it right, but Vaclav’s a ‘monster’ and he snapped. It happens. And it’s just a story anyway. IRL supposedly ‘sane’ people snap all the time and end up killing. Sheesh, that’s really disturbing, actually. D:

        That call was from Kat, who tried to warn Lauren. But then after that she never called again, and Lauren didn’t broach the subject either, and forgot all about it (complacency kills). 😯

        Oh yeah, Lucifer definitely deserves happiness! I think you’ll really love the last chapter, haha.

        Also, sorry I haven’t gotten to your first comment yet. I promise I will. πŸ˜€ And thank you for reading this story, and I’m verrrrrry happy you enjoyed it! β™₯

    • LOL you weren’t kidding about the long post! I do the same thing sometimes. πŸ˜› That’s so awesome that you read this story so fast. Sorry it took me so long to reply, btw.

      By now you’ve read the last chapter, lol. That’s amazing that you found BL so long ago, though. Oh no, it’s fine that you quit reading for a while. It was sad about Aubrey giving up her baby. I understand! Well at least you know they were reunited much later. And that little baby grew up to be a brat sometimes, LOL! (just like RL, hehe).

      So cool you read the whole thing during your break, I’m sorry it’s over now though (both the break and the story lol). Yep, 145 chapters and now 147 total. I had over 2 years to do all those chapter, though. :mrgreen:

      Well I’m happy it turned out that you liked the story, and the characters except for a few! LOL you and a few others loved Jakub too. πŸ˜† So funny, and yes he was cute.

      Oh it’s not all that bad! I think ‘slurt’ is fine! It’s a good alternate for the original, hehe. And I don’t blame you for wanting to scream at Aubrey.
      She’s definitely had her moments… and haha @ the times you wanted to ‘slap V for being a prick in the ass’! I agree, and I’m the one who made him like that! I also agree about Reznik, for not saving his own daughter. So true. That’s pretty shitty…

      This family puts the ‘y’ in ‘dysfunctional’. << sorry couldn't resist.

      Seriously, it IS complicated with all the relationships, break-ups, babies, relatives, you-name-it. That is partly the reason why I had to end it, it was entirely TOO confusing to keep up with anymore. And it's my own fault for writing it like that… I had to make it into a soap opera! 😯 but really, you are right. I was confused by all of it too. I stopped keeping up with my own characters' relationships, that's how bad it got. Hell, I'm not even sure how Ash is related to Kat! But you could be right that she's her step-daughter. Actually that IS right, lol. *facepalm* It's a crazy story!

      haha you wanted her to stay alive, even though she acted like a 'slurt'! I know what you mean. I was sooooooooooo scared to release that chapter! And there were a few other chapters I worried about too (ch. 146 was one of them). I guess I just keep pushing the envelope more and more when it comes to shocking stuff. Thankfully I do have my limits, though.
      No problem about the 'angry fangirl rage' haha. I understand. :p I'm just happy you liked the story, so I'm thankful for that!

      By now you know the answers to these questions (since I replied to this so late). Oh no, I'm sorry that Reznik and Lauren didn't reconcile! I just noticed your comment about that. Crap. Well at least you were OK with how things turned out. And yeah, Lucifer was able to get his natural mother back, even if the circumstances were crappy. As for happy endings, you're not alone. Also I love writing happy endings, or mostly happy ones.
      Yay! glad you love Lucifer's name! I do too! I absolutely had to have V. name his son that. Fallen angel names are awesome, lol. Makes it sound kinda bad-ass. :p
      Aww it wasn't not a pointless rant or whatnot! Besides I ramble a lot whenever I reply or write comments. So you're not alone! It's no problem at all, I'm just sorry again it took so long to reply. I got so involved in starting Lance's Story… and now I'm technically on chapter 4! O_O

      Thank you for that! Don't worry I'll certainly keep writing. I get so addicted to doing my sim stories… it's pretty crazy, actually. And thank you also for checking out my other stories, I appreciate it, even though I know some of them weren't as good as the newer stories. Also, I really crossed a line with Misconduct. I shouldn't have made it so dirty, lol. Then again, I've made a few chapter of this story too dirty as well. Probably shouldn't have done that. Which is why from now on I plan to cut down on that, a little bit at least. LOL.

      I'm trying to keep up the decent writing! πŸ˜€ And thanks again! Nah, again it's no problem about the long comment, I do the same thing too. A lot of times I end up writing mini novels, haha.


  16. Weird, there’s no reply button for your comment!
    Oh well :S
    I’m excited for Chap 147!
    I keep refreshing the blog every few hours for the last chapter, lol.

    I also read the first chappie of Lance’s story, and oh wow.
    I’m surprised Lance didn’t end up going to the hospital after drinking all that caffeine :V.
    Lance sure does owe Kat & Hunter a lot, since they helped him throughout the years :O (Can I get a Kat & Hunter special chappie about them supporting Lance? Haha, I just love those 2 a lot xD. Kat & Hunter shipper ftw~)

    But oh well~ Hur hur hur. I wonder what’s going to happen to Vaclav after he killed Lauren, and what about Lucifer? Will he marry Mila? And what about the Logan twins? What are they going to do? Omg, theres so many questions I want to ask, and hopefully chappie 147 will answer most of ’em ;d

    – Angie

    • Hi Angie πŸ™‚ Hmm, you’re right. There isn’t a reply button. I’ve noticed that before on posts. Probably another stupid glitch with WordPress. :/

      Glad you were excited for chapter 147! πŸ˜€ LOL! Really? haha that’s awesome. At least by now you got to read it!

      Very glad you like Lance’s story too, so far. ^.^ rofl @ all the ‘caffeine’! I hear ya. He would’ve had to see the Dr. himself, as a patient. :p Yep, poor guy had to stay awake!
      You are so right, he does owe Kat & Hunter a LOT. They’ve helped him so much. lol, I could try to do a special chapter about that sometime. Not sure when but maybe within the next several chapters. πŸ™‚ Awesome that you like them so well!

      Vaclav should’ve went to jail. πŸ˜† I know I’ve sent him to ‘prison’ before in this story, just not this time. Had to get him reunited with Aubrey, of course. Heck by now you know this anyway. Sorry it took me so long to reply to your comment!

      Hope you found out everything you wanted to know in the last chapter!

      β™₯ β™₯

  17. Oh wow, I can’t believe it’s over, it’s sad but I can’t really complain about the ending ^-^ You are a fabulous writer and have such a talent and simply must keep going until the world knows this πŸ™‚ My only regret is that I didn’t let you know this sooner πŸ˜›

    Also, I recently signed up to the site where you made your famiy tree (while on your page) and I’m not sure why but whenever I log in it takes me directly to yours? I don’t know if I somehow signed in to your account, and if

    • Sorry, my laptop has a habit of hitting enter on it’s own acord 😦

      Anyway, if I did, I’m sorry and meant no harm so if I did, I apoogise and please remove me πŸ˜›

      That said, thank you for all of the time and effort you put into making this amazing story πŸ™‚

      • Hey Rachel, haha no problem. πŸ˜›

        Okay so you’re talking about that family tree I made? Hmm, IDK if you caused any problem with it. Last I checked the only change was to Aubrey’s grandfather’s name. I’d named him ‘mysterious’ before, because I’d never named it, and then someone else named him Jonathan. It wasn’t any big deal. I just don’t want anyone to actually add a random sim to the tree. πŸ˜› or change details.

        Not sure why it takes you directly to mine when you log in. Are you clicking on the link to mine? If so maybe that’s why. You should try opening a new browser and then logging into your own account. Let me know how it goes; hopefully it works.

        Oh, and thank you for all those awesome, sweet compliments. I really appreciate them, and it means a lot to me *hugs* πŸ˜€ You are a wonderful writer too, though it’s been a while since I checked out your stories and I do apologize for that. I haven’t had time to read anyone else’s stories in a while… I guess just too busy writing my own and RL stuff. >.<
        Yeah, the main story's finally over. At least there's Lance, though… but I know it's not really the same. Glad you liked the ending, though! I could NOT WAIT to write it… I was so happy to write about Aubrey's resurrection and reunion with V! *happy dance, LOL* I love writing happy endings. Poor Lauren though… even though she had bad points, she'd gone through a lot being in that family. 😯

        Thank you again for the words of kindness. ^_^ β™₯ β™₯

  18. Yay, we can post comments!!! πŸ˜€ I’m rereading this story because I love it so much. I’d like to get a tablet and copy and paste it into Word or some sort of text file so I can take it with me everywhere. ❀ However, I'm a total idiot…or blind…because I'm looking for your Sinfully Bloodlust chapters and can't find them. I'm sure I'm skimming right over them like an idiot. Where'd it go? I need my sexy fix! hahahahaha πŸ™‚

    • Hey there TenderWolf. πŸ™‚ I will be back asap to give a proper reply. Just wanted to let you know I’m not ignoring you. ^_^

    • Aww well thank you for saying you’re my biggest fan! Seriously that is sooo sweet, TW! 😳 Blushing time! hehe.

      I am sorry it took me forever though. I get soooooooo wrapped up in writing my stories… I swear I’m a write-a-holic. :/ Just can’t stop whenever I start.

      And yes, you can comment here anytime! I opened comments up on this page a while back, finally so people could ask questions or whatever.

      Thank you so much. It makes me proud that you’re reading this twice, you are so sweet. I’m always happy whenever anyone likes my stuff this much!
      You can definitely copy/paste it if you’d like, it just sounds like a pain! Crap, I’d do it for you and send it thru email, but it’d be waaaay too time consuming. D: Again, you are really sweet though.

      Uh oh. You’re looking for my Sinfully BL blog? I did delete the page for it, so you’re not blind. I was clearing out a lot of stuff from the side bar right before ending this story, because I thought it looked too cluttered. I’ll have to give you the link on here.

      LOL Chapter 6 on Lance’s story was nice n’ smutty. πŸ˜› You probably already read that by now though. :p

      OK, I re-instated that page, but for your convenience here’s the link:


      LOL, enjoy! πŸ˜€

  19. Yay I feel special! πŸ˜€ *adds a bookmark* Ah yes, the joys of cluttered sidebars. I know how you feel about those. Thanks for putting the sexy post back up there. Yummeh! roflmao I’m so bad. :p I did enjoy chapter 6 of Lance’s story and look forward to what else happens in it! That, and Firestar.

    I know what you mean about writing too. I’ve got so many darn ideas I don’t know how I’ll get them all done. This is madness!

    lol Thanks again! Off to read!

    • Hey there again, sorry for my perpetual lateness. lol. 😳

      Cool! Glad you do! I really do appreciate all your compliments on this story, though, and seriously appreciate you pressing the ‘like’ button on Lance’s. πŸ™‚ So awesome! And lol about the cluttered side bars. Mine really, really got bad. It’s a little better now though. And you’re welcome, I was glad to do it! Actually it’s the least I could do. Nah, you’re not bad. I think most people like that stuff but not everyone is brave enough to admit it, lol. Well thank you again! Hope you keep enjoying the new chapters. ^_^

      I hear ya. I know exactly what you mean, too. It certainly is madness, lol! πŸ˜† At least it’s good not to run out of ideas, though. Yeesh, that would really suck.

      You’re welcome! and thank you for reading! πŸ˜€ *hugs*

  20. Hi there,
    Straight up forward, Ima jealous bish!!! RAWR!
    I loved a particular post about a particular someone who was particularly an ass πŸ˜› (Hope noone slaps me in the face for writing that to be honest >_>)
    I’d also like to say, I think it’s great you take the time to reply to such alot of comments, hence you deserve for such hard work and all the effot you have put in to all of this! Must take a lot of time to respond, and having real life too πŸ™‚
    To the Story! :O
    I like how… it’s not to soft too!! :>
    There’s such tense moments, I shake… AND DIS IS WHAT I WANTS! RAWRAWRAWR… But I aint that far, so I gotta keep going. ( And I shallz notz speakz of spoirerz forz daz ozerz @.Q)
    I have nothing against lovely happy endings… But I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed the cruelty and despair (Arms in hair, harassing window)
    And yeah, I’m new here… only read a few chapters, but within those few chapters, I just wanted to post this first, because Im probably going to be square eyes reading for the next day and seeing only 3 things: Like Button, Next Page, then the page of the Chapter.
    But Ima eat all your chapters, nomnonmnomnomnom.
    I am working on vampire story (I love violence, tehehe),… but not important!
    Ciao! Take care!

  21. Hi Pandaa (lol)! I saw that you’ve been commenting on all my stuff, or most of it. So thanks! Glad you seem to be enjoying my stories! πŸ˜€

    I hear you. You must be talking about that person who calls herself Blu–something or other. LOL. But yeah, I’m over her pompous bullshit. She can go f**k herself as far as I’m concerned. I couldn’t give a shit less anymore. Nah, I wouldn’t think you’d get smacked; just talked about on that person’s stupid website. πŸ™„ Just stay away from people like that (who think they own the sims community) and you shall be fine! That’s partly why I stay the hell away from the forums now.

    Well I try to take the time. Once in a while I miss a comment, and a lot of times it takes me forever to reply. I get so wrapped up in writing and updating my stories… I lose track of time. lol yeah it takes a lot of time, I try to balance it all out. As I say, a lot of times it takes me a while to reply, though. But thanks for the compliment! πŸ™‚

    Well thank you! And lol @ spoilers! I try not to give any away, but sometimes I do, unintentionally. Haha, you need the cruelty and despair? I hear ya. sounds like you like the ‘dark side’ of things too! Though I do try to give my stories happy endings for the most part… usually. πŸ˜‰

    haha, okay well I’m so happy you really like my stuff, and glad you’re reading this one! By far this story has been my most popular one! 0_0
    I hope you continue enjoying it! And I’m always happy to get new readers, of course! πŸ˜€

    Aw, that’s great that you’re also working on a vampy story! Whenever I have time, I could read it sometime if you send me a link! <33

    ttys! Also, I'll try to reply on your other comments too but it might take me several days (maybe up to one week). But I have replied to your comments on Misconduct. β™₯ You take care too, hun!

  22. Hello! Sorry for such a late comment, I’m a new reader :3 But I love your story! Anyway, where did you get all your clothes and hair? I really liked Riley’s hair πŸ™‚ Thanks!

    • Aww it’s alright Dannie! No worries. πŸ˜€ About the clothes and hair: I have a ton of stuff listed and where to find it on the Credits page of this blog, and usually I also list custom content and their locations at the end of chapters. I hope this helps, even though it’s not much information. A lot of stuff can also be found on http://mysims3blog.blogspot.com/

      Not sure about Riley’s hair. That was sooo long ago. I think I got that whenever I downloaded sims off the exchange, actually. Sorry I couldn’t be of much help!

      Thank you for reading this! *hugs* πŸ™‚

  23. Uhhhhh someone messed up the family tree

    • lol, I think I know what you mean… a lot of that stuff I had written on there myself, though. I had a blast makin’ fun of my own characters. πŸ˜›

      I assume you’re talking about the kinda thing where a character’s profile links to their email, etc? I made up fake emails and stuff.

  24. so i just wanted to let you know that you are an amazing writer. i have read all your stories and continue to look for new updates. i keep trying to find other stories/legacies/blogs/amazingness similar to yours, but it’s not possible.

    • Hello Em, thank you so very much, and I’m very sorry I hadn’t gotten to your comment until now. I’d just been really, really busy with writing other projects and hadn’t had time to check my comments.

      You are very sweet! Thank you for all the wonderful compliments about my stories! I’m truly glad you’ve enjoyed them! πŸ˜€

      Thanks again, hon! *huggles* ^_^

  25. Hi again! I’m sad to see that you’re going to abandon Sim stories, but I am very happy for you for getting closer to your real life goal! Congratulations! I saw look forward to the release of Lance’s story!

    Just dropping in to let you know that I have another 18+ story in the works, though the blog is already up for it. So I thought I’d share it with you and my other loyal fans. The link is here: http://ensorcelled-ts3.blogspot.com

    Thanks again for reading and commenting on Forbidden, and for being such a great friend and writer!

  26. I just recently found your stories and I really enjoy them. First of all, you are a great writer. I really enjoyed reading your stories. I have a few questions and comments for you.
    1. Why were the babies always boys? The only babies born in Bloodlust that were girls were Kat, Azura, and Vaclav’s dead daughter. I had somewhat of a problem with this because the women in this story are not what I expected. All of the women had terrible things happen to them and they never solved it on their own. You had all of them get married and have babies (some of which is underage). Is this entirely coincidence, or did you do this on purpose? The women had a lot of potential to be strong characters, but I feel that you didn’t let them become that. The only female character who had a strong, leadership position was Xeri and she ended up dead. Please know that I do not mean to criticize your writing in any way. This was one small issue that I had a problem with. (Plus being in a family with nothing but boys, it was like whenever one of them was born.)
    2. I loved Aubrey.
    3. I did not like how you got Vaclav and Lauren together. He was so in love with Aubrey, and whether Reznik put a spell on him or not, I don’t think he would have ever gotten over her. I especially don’t think that he would replace her.

    I’m sorry if this hurt you in any way. Please know it was not my intention.

    You are obviously great at what you do (probably the best I’ve ever seen). I have a project in school that I would love to make a Sims story, but I don’t even know where to begin. I know this may be the last thing you want to do after I said all of this, but any advice would be greatly appreciated

    I’m sad to hear that you’re not writing Sims stories anymore. I will definitely miss reading them. Good luck to you and all your future projects! Bloodlust has been a wonderful story and I want to thank you for all of the effort you put into it!


    • I am sorry it’s taking me so darn long to reply to your well-thought out post. I will try to get back to you ASAP.

      I want to also let you know that I’m not at all angry with your comments. Your post was very respectable and I appreciate that. I also really appreciate the wonderful compliments as well! As for your other points about the problems with this story, I totally understand what you mean, and your thoughts do not anger me one bit. So I wanted to assure you of that.

      I’ll try to give a better reply soon!

      eta: honestly, I’ve grown a lot in the past few years, so that criticism no longer bothers me. I’d never ever get angry at anyone who states an honest critical opinion of my stories or writing. I used to get (stupidly) angry years ago, but not anymore.

      The only time I’d get annoyed would be if someone were to say something like this: “your writing sucks ass and you’re a horrible author with your head up your ass who couldn’t write their way out of—” << **Yeah that might annoy me! πŸ˜†

      **But I still wouldn’t respond to such destructive criticism.

  27. Hi again! I just read your post from back in December (I’m so far behind, I’m sorry!) I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. 😦 That’s not something I’m familiar with, but I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’m glad you’re feeling better though. Keep up the good work! πŸ™‚

    • good god, I’m sorry I haven’t replied to you in years (hyperbole, but whatever lol). Give me s’more time and I promise I’ll get back here and give you a better reply, I just wanted to let you know I saw your comment, and I’m honestly not trying to ignore you. This past year has just been… unmentionable…

  28. Really missed you, Robin! I miss our talks and reading your work. It was really nice to see a post on here from you though πŸ™‚ ❀ Sorry you've had such a tough year 😦 I know how you feel, mine hasn't been in the top notches either. *sigh*

    But yeah, miss you! *huggles*

  29. *poke* Hey you! I miss you! You don’t have a Tumblr or anything like that, do you? I know you don’t have Facebook, but I thought I’d check. πŸ˜€ Also, I wanted to let you know that I’m now involved with SIFF (Sims International Film Festival), and one of my submissions this year is based on your story Firestar. I hope you enjoy it! And I will give full credit, of course. Hope all is well with you! If you do have a Tumblr and would like to add me, I’m at tenderwolfsimber.tumblr.com πŸ™‚ *Hug*

  30. Hi again! The video is now up! I had to improvise the ending, but I had lots of fun making it. πŸ™‚ Here you go, a tribute to you and Firestar! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RIFFyYNVt4&list=UUGj1Pk62t5o6CVtAEvIGLhg

  31. heeeey!!! another year and i thought i’d post and say hi! really miss chatting with you

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